Are Your Limestone Floors In Need of Cleaning or Restoration?
Noticed some of your tiles are higher than others? Do you want your floor flattened to improve the aesthetics, keep from chipping the edges, and facilitate limestone cleaning? Orlando Travertine Restoration can grind away the excess limestone to restore a flat level surface using the latest state-of-the-art machinery in conjunction with diamond abrasives and a natural polishing compound. Never do we use coatings or a “crystallization” process as many companies do.
Common Signs of Wear
Have you noticed dull areas in your traffic areas? This is typically associated with what is commonly referred to as wear patterns, scratches, etches and so forth. Orlando Travertine Restoration can repair these surfaces by either “honing” or polishing your limestone to eliminate these blemishes. The surface is then polished or honed to the desired finish leaving you with the memories of your new floor once again.
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